In some cases, third-party programs may prevent the Elite Dangerous launcher from working normally.
NET on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10: CHECK FOR 3RD PARTY MONITORING PROGRAMS TechHit have created a complete and handy guide on how to reinstall and repair. If the launcher is unable to run or is encountering regular errors preventing it from working normally, you may need to re-install Microsoft. Use the launcher as normal to install Elite Dangerous.Some players find that installing the game to a custom location is beneficial, for example, C:\Games\EliteDangerous.
Install the launcher as normal (do not run the installer as an administrator - it will ask for an administrator password automatically, if necessary.). If you purchased the game from the Frontier Store, please download the launcher from here. If you purchased the game on Steam or the Epic Games Store, please redownload it from the platform directly.
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products. C:\Program Files (x86)\Frontier\EDLaunch. If the following folders exist, delete them: Delete any files from where the launcher was installed. Uninstall the launcher from your computer using Programs and Features in Windows (or uninstall direct through Steam/Epic). This may be resolved by removing and re-installing the launcher. If the launcher refuses to function correctly, it may be caused by potential file errors or installation problems. Restart your PC fully and then run the launcher again, making sure you're not launching the game as an administrator. Note: If you are having issues downloading the game via the launcher, please see the 'Validation error' section below for details on how to resolve this. If you've encountered a problem that is preventing the launcher from starting, or the launcher crashes shortly after you try to load it, please follow the steps below.